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Berlin Travel Answers to User Queries (3 replies) Showing the last 3 Posts

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Visiting Berlin (Tags: Berlin, Venice, Visiting)
This response to Distance From Berlin To Venice post was asked on 2011-04-01
where can i park my motorcycle in

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distance calculator:In akous - Hi there akous Not sure why you are asking this question. Did you forget to post a piece?...
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Visiting Berlin (Tags: Berlin, Wroclaw, Visiting)
This response to Distance From Berlin To Wroclaw post was asked on 2010-09-12
how long does it take to drive from berlin to zari in poland?

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GuyinLondon:In - If you mean Żary, Poland it is over 2 hours according to Google maps. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=FY1xIQMdSKTMACkBWQM_N06oRzFwO15bRiAhBA%3BFZz-EwMd5_jmACmBua7-uZgIRzHcbyPU0mTaZQ&q=berlin+to+zary&sll=38.453667,18.299326&sspn=152.180971,358.242188&ie=UTF8&z=9&saddr=berlin&daddr=zary...(463 more characters)
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Visiting Berlin (Tags: Berlin, Liege, Visiting)
This response to Distance From Berlin To Liege post was asked on 2009-11-09
how much is the ticket from berlin to liege by train ?

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mizo:In - Do you have an answer to mizo's question? ...(463 more characters)
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Other Berlin Q and A's

Less than 4787 days ago akous asked: where can i park my motorcycle in
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Less than 4995 days ago zahra asked: Berlin?
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Less than 5122 days ago european asked: how long does it take to drive from berlin to zari in poland?
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Less than 5154 days ago veriva asked: how is the best and the cheapest way to go from berlin to Hildesheim ?
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Less than 5165 days ago aloneniga asked: what is the destance from postdam to berlin
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Less than 5237 days ago annlesser asked: Berlin? We are coming to Berlin and want to either go to Auschwitz or Karakow for a day.
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Less than 5255 days ago elazzaoui1962 asked: how far berlin to tegel?
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Less than 5295 days ago mizo asked: how much is the ticket from berlin to liege by train ?
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Less than 5296 days ago francisca asked: how much cost a train ticket from essen to berlin?
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Less than 5422 days ago jan asked: Berlin?
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Less than 5595 days ago elenio asked: how far is it from Berlin to Baden-Baden. Thank you
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Less than 5751 days ago Londoner asked: Can someone tell me what parts of berlin are the best? Apart from the brandenburg gate and old wall remnants, what other parts of Berlin should I be looking to explore?
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Places to stay in towns in - Stadt Berlin

Berlin Hotel -
Travel Resources

Buses and Coaches
If you are in the UK and wish to book a bus ticket you can do so using National Express.

Click to Book UK Bus or Coach Tickets

Again for UK users if you are looking to plan your journey generally and don't want to book then this site is great for UK visitors giving options for bus rail and tube.
European bus travel companies are still a little fragmented but if you are travelling around Europe and your journey starts in the UK you can try this European Bus Link. If you are looking for trips from anywhere within the EU then Eurolines might be able to help.

Train Travel
You can book your train tickets for European destinations using Rail Europe. You might also consider a a European Rail Pass for multiple countries.

Visas and Train Travel in The Russian federation and surrounding countries try Real Russia

Click to Book Train Tickets in the UK

If you don't need to book then Scotty is a great resource from Austria enabling you to see train schedules for most of Europe. We also have a list of individual rail companies in Italy, Spain, France and Germany but are always adding to this list so please let us know if you have a further suggestion.

Sat Nav?

If you are visiting or live in the USA or need to enquire about trains times then try Amtrak. For bus routes there's Greyhound

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