Town and City Data Within A Specified Radius Of Swaziland Places.


This post was last updated by Rob on 2024-04-22 08:38:34 Swaziland Flag

Swaziland General Info

Swaziland Flag   Swaziland is on the continent of Africa and covers an area of 10,789 sq mi (17,363 sq km). In terms of size, it is the 158th sized country in the world, being amongst the smaller countries in terms of land mass. Its capital city is Mbabane. It borders 2 countries and these are Mozambique, and South Africa.

Swaziland's ISO Code is SZ, and its international dialling code is +268. The top level internet domain for this country is .sz. The main unit of currency is the Lilangeni (SZL).

Swaziland's estimated population today, is in the region of 1,212,365 people. Swaziland ranks 159th in the world, population size wise.

Population Growth Swaziland

Nearest Town Or City To Swaziland's Center

According to our calculations, the geographic center of Swaziland is located at -26.562, 31.497. The nearest place to this location that we could find is a place named Ngculwini, which is 1.37 mi from these co-ordinates.

Display a Map showing Geographically North, East, South, West and Centered Towns in Swaziland

We've taken the coordinates from the north, east, south and west of this country to create a map detailing the localities of Horo , Sandlane , Hluthi , and Siteki with Ngculwini, in the center.

Display a Map showing a selection of States and Towns within Swaziland

Swaziland CSV

Swaziland  Map Icon Get the Swaziland database download for cities and towns that you care about in csv format for use in excel spreadsheets.

If you want a full database list of 24 Swaziland cities and towns, with geo coordinates (longitude and latitudes), population, that we have for Swaziland, simply Go Premium

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There are a total of 113 places (cities, towns settlements and villages) in the system which you can use to plot on a map, or research further. These do not form part of the Swaziland country city database download as this database is costed on places for which we have actual populations, However, they can be used and included in other queries, when accessed from a specific location or city page.

You can download the tables to CSV. The tool is perfect for Swaziland business intelligence research around specific geographies near to the locality.

The data is sourced from a variety of trusted sources and we update them regularly. If you find that data is lacking, and have access to a credible alternative source, then do let us know, and we'll see if we can fold it in to the options.

Using this Swaziland Data...
  • Are you building a local town or city report for your business or client with interests in places in Swaziland?
  • Perhaps you are looking for the nearest towns, villages, regions to a city in Swaziland?
  • Maybe you want to download a file showing population estimates for specific places in Swaziland?
  • This page will report the number of towns and cities within a given radius of a town or city or a place you specify. Premium options exist for those needing larger (comma separated values) CSV files.

Find other cities in Swaziland .You can also enter a new city, town, village to modify the results.

Go Premium and export all available results with a pay as you go plan, multiple useful features and options with the full data results for Swaziland

Swaziland Cities
Big Bend103432013
Piggs Peak57512017